
Section 30 CLRA Assessments – NO WAIT LIST!

Providing Parenting Time/Decision Making (formerly Custody/Access) assessments for families involved in Family Court matters.

Section 98 CYFSA Assessments

Providing Parenting Capacity assessments for families involved with a Children’s Aid Society and Family Court.

Section 34 YCJA Assessments

Providing assessments for youth and their families who have been referred by the Youth Court. A referral is made through the Court using the s 34 Referral Form, following an Order by the Court.

Voice of the Child Reports

There has been a need identified through the Courts, particularly with Judges and lawyers in our jurisdiction, for reports that speak to the views and preferences of the child.  Since children can be highly influenced by their parents, understanding not just what the children want, but why the children want it, is important.  These Voice of the Child reports are prepared by qualified clinical social workers, who summarize the child or children’s views and preferences in a written report, which is provided to the parties’ lawyers and the Court.

Four Counties Family Court Mediation Service

Family Mediation is a voluntary method of resolving disagreements. It provides families with an opportunity to resolve disagreements arising out of their separation or divorce. Parents or separating couples may decide to participate in mediation to negotiate a settlement with respect to issues including:

• A parenting plan for children
• Child support
• Spousal support
• Division of property

Mediation is a cooperative alternative to, or a complement to, the court process and has the potential benefits of saving time, money, reducing conflict, and preserving relationships. It is one of the most effective options when people are willing and able to put aside their emotional differences, anger and frustration to work towards developing a separation plan which is mutually acceptable.

For Family Mediation inquiries, please call the intake coordinator at 705-760-9603, or email at  The Four Counties Family Court Mediation Service website is

Central East Residential Placement Advisory Committee (RPAC)

RPAC conducts placement reviews for children and youth under the age of 18, who live in an out of home placement (i.e., live-in treatment program, foster care, group home, etc.).  We review all placements of facilities who have the potential of 10 or more children/youth living on the same property for longer than 3 months. We can also complete Objection Reviews for any child or youth who is Objecting to where they have been placed, no matter the amount of children/youth in the program or how long they are expected to stay in the program.  Our primary focus of every review is on the child/youth and whether or not their placement is meeting their individual needs.  Each review will be summarized by a Recommendation Report that will state if the committee supports the placement.  The committee can make recommendations on the programming and treatment offered while living in the out of home placement.  If areas of concern are brought forward, the committee, which includes a representative from the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, can follow-up on concerns directly with the service provider.   The role of the Residential Placement Advisory Committee (RPAC) is explained in Section 63-66 of the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017, S.O. 2017, c. 14, Sched. 1 ( (CYFSA).  If you have further questions or need a referral form, please reach out to the RPAC Program Coordinator at 705-748-3220 ext. 230 or email

New Ways for Families®

The New Ways for Families program is an excellent service to prevent those experiencing a high conflict separation to learn and enhance the skills needed to make parenting decisions outside of Court and focus on the best interests of the children. Families may consider participating in the NWFF program before mediating to help focus the mediation process on developing parenting/financial plans and to avoid parental conflict from interfering with negotiations and decision making. Participation following mediation or an assessment can also be very helpful to address conflict that is negatively impacting the children.